Akashic Magic

Unlock the Universe's Hidden

Wisdom, Healing and Guidance

through the Akashic Records

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Discover the secrets of the Akashic Records with Kathy in the heart of Maui.

November 15-20th 2024

Receive soul-level wisdom and clarity, Deepen your understanding of past, present, and potential futures and

connect with a tribe of wonderful friends

This retreat will help you… 

  • Gain understanding of your soul's path and feel more alive and on purpose than you’ve ever felt

  • Move out of doubt and take actions that are guided every step of the way

  • Understand what your soul truly desires vs your ego

  • Cultivate perspective on your life and your challenges

  • Experience healing that is fast and painless

  • Learn a simple process to create a life and world you love

  • Become more aware of your unique gifts and lessons in this lifetime

The Akashic Records are a cosmic reservoir of information that is accessible once you have simple methods to unlock their flow. They will provide clarity about your purpose, and release you from doubt and stuckness.

Don't miss this opportunity to 

relax into the beautiful healing energies of Maui, to unlock ancient wisdom secrets. 

Come together in a like-minded circle of women -- connecting with the land, yourself, one another, and the secrets of the Universe that lie waiting for you to access them.

Enjoy receiving activations from the stars, a shamanic release ceremony in the sacred I'ao Valley, release tension with morning gentle yoga, and watch for the whales that come play in these waters.  

Whether you are more visual, kinesthetic or auditory, you'll learn a way of tapping into the wealth of intuitive information that is available for you, in the clearest, most accurate way for you!

Imagine sitting in the beautiful I'ao Valley, 4 days into our retreat. You're smiling and reflecting on your newfound clarity as you watch a Hawaiian butterfly float by. Surrounded by the tranquil beauty of the sand, waves, and tropical foliage during our time together, you've learned four different ways of tapping into the Akashic Records to receive clear wisdom and guidance.

You feel more connected to yourself, clear and in tune with your purpose than you have in many years.

You've cleared out your "intuitive anatomy" with a Shamanic practice so that the guidance you receive is clear and accurate
Because you know the Akashic Records are a tool you can use to wipe away doubt and the stress of indecision, you have a sense of ease and gratitude.

Back home you'll consult the records whenever you need, for the answers that are right for you -- and for clearing away your past limitations. Because of this, you feel more supported by all-that-is, and the joy that come from knowing you're guided every step of the way.

Your body feels great --  aligned and supple because of daily gentle yoga, and you feel invigorated by new friendships and deeper connection to yourself, ready to go back home with a renewed body and sense of aliveness.

Learn more about the records here


Accessing the Akashic Records with Kathy has helped me expand my formally limited view of what was/is contained in the records. I feel even more inspire, and supported to know that there is yet another way to tap into the deep knowing that is there to assist us on our journeys - It is so expansive to feel an embodied knowing of my path... and trusting my next steps.


Never been that close to so many stars! This retreat was so amazing - everything – from the yoga, to the burning ceremony, to the trip to watch the stars… You all are so down to earth and gave me so many things I can use when I get home. It was so eye-opening and transformational. I picked this retreat last minute… And told myself, don’t think too much about it. Just do it. I’m so happy.


Kathy’s sharp intuition has helped me to navigate my life with lightness and beauty, like a cracking of a code, activating me in to be a greater version of the one, I came here to be. It is not easy to put Kathy’s energy into words, it needs to be experienced in order to be understood to its fullness. I highly recommend private coaching // healing with Kathy or a group mentorship over a period of a time. Your life will never be the same ✨

In gratitude

What to Expect

  • Self-Exploration: Gaining a better understanding of yourself, .
  • Spiritual Connection: Build meaningful connections with your the Archangels, and your own Soul, fostering a deeper sense of spirituality. 
  • Being a part of something Greater:  be nourished by a circle of women and the tranquility of Maui.
  • Emotional Release: Let go of old limiting patterns, pent-up emotions, and past traumas, creating space for healing and renewal.
  • Healing Insights: Discover profound insights into your life, purpose, and direction.
  • Transformation: Experience personal growth and transformation, setting the stage for positive changes in your life.
  • Connection: Enjoy moments of laughter, vulnerability, and acceptance within a supportive circle of women.
  • Daily gentle yoga, breath and meditation
  • Sessions to tap into your intuition and access a library of wisdom in multiple ways
  • Adventures to connect you to the land, the universe and your own Truth
  • Laughter, genuine sharing and a circle of soul-sisters
  • Sacred Hawaiian ceremony
  • Stargazing the vast Maui skies
  • Delicious food
  • Time to relax near the pool, or while walking the grounds
  • Lots of wisdom, joy, and fun!

Benefits of accessing the Akashic Records for yourself -or clients 

🌟1. Self-Discovery: Uncover your soul's journey, past lives, and your current purpose. Gain self-awareness to shape your choices so you don't waste time heading in directions that are distractions from your purpose and won't bring true happiness.

🌟 2. Healing & Transformation: Find emotional and spiritual healing by releasing past traumas, limiting beliefs and blocks to confidence and intimacy.

🌟3. Spiritual Growth: Elevate your spiritual journey by connecting more deeply with your soul and the universe. Receive guidance from your Higher Self and access the wisdom you may have been missing.

🌟 4. Guided Clarity: Get clear guidance on your big choices. Live in a way that's guided by your soul instead of your personality. Gain more understanding of why you are perfectly designed for your role and journey in this lifetime.

🌟 5. Empowered Relationships: Understand the purpose of your relationships, with insights into soul contracts. Clear contracts, heal the roots of challenges and build deeper connections with those you love. Unwind the patterns of separation and negativity between you and those you love, so you can have true connection.  

🌟 6. Manifest Your Desires: Use the Akashic Records to manifest your dreams and intentions. See things about your manifestation journey that you may have been overlooking. This makes the information from the Akashic Records like a shortcut to reaching your dreams.

👼 7. Connect with Divine Guides: Build bonds with these guides for unwavering support. They're here to support you in big ways, but if you're not receiving their support, you're missing out, big time! Metatron is the archangel of the Akashic Records, and he is willing to support and guide your life's journey

🌟 8. Being in person together, you'll be part of a co-creation. Some trainings are cookie-cutter. Not this.  You will see which of the various ways of connecting to the records resonates with you. You'll have your records read and learn to easily read your own.

Receive a failproof way to tap into your intuition so you can move your ego out of the way to have clear, unadultarated wisdom coming through. Our time together enables you to get your questions addressed as they come up. And we'll have a check-in, after the retreat, to address other questions that may come up for you, over time.

🌟9. The land of Maui is incredibly nurturing and holds the heart frequency of planet earth.   The serene beaches, lush rainforests, and majestic mountains will provide an inspiring backdrop for your inward journey, fostering a sense of tranquility and connection with nature that enhances your ability to connect with the Akashic Records. Maui is renowned for its spiritual energy and deep-rooted indigenous traditions. We will adventure to the sacred Iao Valley where you'll feel the island's mana (spiritual power) infuse your learning experience with a profound sense of presence. 

🌟10. Expert Guidance: Over a decade ago Kathy was trained in the records by Kahuna Ho'okahi - a Hawaiian Shaman. Kathy then augmented her knowledge with an additional Consciousness Based Healing training in the Akashic Records. Kathy has been teaching groups energy medicine and intuition tools since 2007, and has taught yoga for over 20 years, and she has taught in countries all over the world. Small groups are her favorite! 

"Using the Akashic Records has given me so much more clarity and awareness. It’s allowed me to clear limiting contracts with people in my life, strengthened my relationship with myself and most of all, its made me more joyful!"- Deb S.

I’ve been to a few retreats, and I have never learned so much from any of them as I did from this one. 

I am very grateful!

Debra W.





Consult the records to gain clarity about your life direction and relationships, instead of constantly looking to others for the answers.

Receive a fresh outlook on difficult situations.

Release the roots of limiting patterns and deeply held fear.  


Receive healing that brings palpable and lasting  transformation in a matter of minutes. 

Discover more about your gifts, talents and life-lessons.

Have confidence in your direction and understand your reason for being on this planet at this pivotal time.

Deepen your trust in your intuitive abilities and become confident in your ability to receive direct access to this vast source of wisdom and love that's always at your fingertips.

Hi, I'm Kathy

I have a knack for finding the best tool to unlock you from old patterns and to help you step into more of your most authentic self.

As a child, I was consumed by my mom’s bookshelf full of books about Louise Hay, Zen, metaphysics and positive psychology. My love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led me to study with masters in yoga and Meditation when I was just 20.

I coach and work with women all over the planet, and teach the best of the healing tools I've amassed over the past 25 years. I particularly love helping women realize they can have abundance on their terms. Abundance comes from aligning to your soul, and the Akashic Records are a tool for doing that. Many of my clients go from saying, I've achieved a lot, but it's not as fulfilling as I though it would be to -- I never knew life could feel this good.

Over the years I've been certified in Yoga Therapy, Mastery Levels of Hawaiian Healing and Akashic Records, Magdalena Healing, Reiki Master and more.

I'm a mom who loves to travel and share the world with my two sons. My travels have taken me to India many times, Peru, Egypt, and other places to study with Masters and shamans.

Kathy Williams

Kathy will be leading Akashic Records sessions, yoga practices and Sacred ceremony, adventures and activations

            Schedule, Subject to Change


November 15 · Evening

November 16 · All Day

November 17 · All Day

 November 18 · All Day 

November 19 - All Day

November 20 - Yoga, breakfast, depart

Optional, for those desiring certification ($350 fee)

Follow up Zooms early December

Register to Save Your Spot


5:30 Check in and get Settled in

6-8:30pm Evening Circle,

Intention Setting

Clearing Your Intuitive Channel

Akashic Session - accessing the records through the Akashic Viewing Room


7:30am Optional Gentle Yoga 

8:30-9am Island Breakfast

9:15-11:45am Akashic Records Session

11:45-4pm Free time for journaling, massage, ocean play, shopping

4-5pm Optional Gentle Yoga + Somatics

6pm Star Activations and Stargazing


7:30am Optional Gentle Yoga 

8:30-9am Island Breakfast

9:15-12pm. Googling Your Soul's Answers: Channeled writing

12pm Lunch

2-4pm Labyrinth Journey: A Journey to Your Core

4pm Evening of Silence and Introspection


7:30am Optional Gentle Yoga 

8:30-9am Island Breakfast

9:30-2pm voyage to Sacred Iao Valley for Shamanic Release Ceremony , exploration and picnic

2-6pm Free time for journaling, massage, ocean play, dinner, shopping

6:30-8pm  Healing and Releasing Contracts through the Akashic Records


7:30am morning yoga

9:15am Accessing the Akashic Records of projects, pets and other people

12:15 Lunch

2pm Afternoon adventure to Twin Falls waterfalls and pools

5:30-7pm Angelic Soundbath at Maui Scalar Room


Our last day together will begin with Yoga, Breathwork, and a Profound Meditation for moving forward.

Then we'll enjoy breakfast, an intimate closing circle and check out at 11:30am. If your flight is later in the day, feel free to lounge at the pool until it's time to leave.

I'm Ready - Book Now →

Select Your Package Now



Live locally and want to commute to the retreat but not stay at Hale Akua Retreat Center? This option includes all activities, breakfast and snacks, access to pool, kitchen, yoga room etc. as well as 1-4 integration zooms following the retreat.

Special Early Pricing before September 5th:


save $200

your price



Attend the Akashic Records Retreat with 5 nights at the beautiful Hale Akua Retreat Center with breakfast, lunch, outings, and a bonus integration Zoom once you’re back home.

Special Early Pricing before September 5th:


save $333

your price



Attend the Akashic Records Retreat with 5 nights at the beautiful Hale Akua Retreat Center with breakfast, lunch, outings, and a bonus integration Zoom once you’re back home. Enjoy the spaciousness and quietude your own room.

Special Early Pricing before September 5th: 


save $667

your price


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for? 

Self-aware women who are ready to move forward into their next phase of soul growth, to have clarity for the path ahead, and release limiting patterns — so they can be free and live more in their wisdom, authenticity and aligned power.

Do I have to participate in everything? 

Everything is optional! This is YOUR retreat, so if you’d rather not go stargazing, or head to Iao Valley, or if you’d rather go on a walk on the beach than do the morning yoga, that’s totally up to you! That said, to receive certification, all Akashic Records sessions would have to be attended, or if you miss one, listen to the recording and do the practices.

What is the yoga like?

Designed to nurture your body, help calm the mind and make you comfortable for the day. All the yoga will have options for you to be gentle or go a little deeper.

What is the food like?  

In the morning, you’ll have options to choose from– island fresh fruits, eggs, yogurt, oats, toast, and gluten free options.  Lunch will focus on fresh, local ingredients and also has vegetarian/ vegan and gluten free possibilities.


What if I'm not intuitive?


We get it! You may have had trouble tuning out the noise and tapping in. You will be guided through thorough practices to help you disconnect from the anxious chatter of your thinking mind, and drop into a state of intuitive flow. You'll even learn specific ways to test the accuracy of the information you receive.

What is not included?

Airfare and transportation from the airport. Breakfast is provided - lunch and dinner are on your own.
Surf lessons, massage, bodywork or energy healing is an additional charge. 
Afternoon activities on Sunday like boating, or a journey, if desired.

Are there scholarships available?


Yes! A limited number of scholarships are available for those in need. Please send us an email here. State 1) Whether you would be commuting or staying onsite. 
2) Why would like to attend this retreat.
3) Your situation, and whether you would be able to pay 50-70% of costs. 

Is there Ka'amaina?

Yes! Please email to register, and we will tell you your special deal.

What if I want to bring someone?

You have several options. You can share a room with one or two friends. This option gives you an additional $100 off your room. You may also bring a friend who is not participating in the retreat to share your room, at a reduced rate- there will be plenty of time to connect for meals and during free time. If they would like to go on adventures, that is an option.

A third person staying in a room is charged at the commuter rate. Or, you can come with a friend but each have your own bedroom. Please register and submit your question to discuss using the buttons on this page.

Do I have to know anything about the records?  

No! Just have a willingness to be open to receiving wisdom. Sometimes the best experiences happen when we have no preconceived ideas about what something will be about or what it will be like, and we’re along for the ride.

What is your cancellation policy?  

Terms and Conditions:

  - Cancellation policy: 30 days prior, no cancellations 

60-30 days, 50% cancellation   

- Please consider travel insurance to cover any illness, challenge or act of God in respect to the retreat. 

- No refunds will be given for late arrivals no-shows, or cancellations less then 30 days prior to November 6th 2024

Is Maui Open?  Yes.

In fact, we need your business.

Many small businesses, like restaurants and shops had little to no patrons coming in for 3 weeks during August. They depend on tourists buying a smoothie, a crystal, some bracelets, a T-shirt... in order to make rents and overhead. Our retreat is on the North-shore of Maui .We are 40 minutes down the coast from Kahului airport - OGG, which is the best airport to fly into, 20 minutes from the North shore town of Paia and  1.2 hours from Lahaina. . The people of Maui are happy to have your support and business.

Do I have to be certified or can I just come enjoy and learn to access the records?

Certification is totally optional. In fact, many past participants have come just to learn these tools for themselves.

Certification involves 3-4 several zooms following the retreat, so you feel comfortable applying the techniques when you're back home. You'll have a 1:1 personal session with Kathy, as well. The fee for certification is $350

What is the difference between certification and no certification?

Certification ensures that you'll have comfort and confidence reading the Akashic Records for others.

Certification is not needed for reading your own records!

Without certification, you’ll have an integration zoom when you return home to make sure you’re comfortable reading the records for clarity in your own life.

With certification, you’ll have the zoom mentioned above and an additional integration zoom, as well as a 1:1 practicum to make sure that you’re comfortable reading the records for yourself and for others.

You'll also have the task of documenting 6 readings you've given for friends or family. These can be for your friends you've met on the retreat!  The fee for certification is an additional $350, to cover the time and energy for this additional coverage.


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